Paketo Buildpacks | Blog

Paketo UBI stack moving to paketo-buildpacks from paketo-community

Michael Dawson
Friday, Feb 14, 2025

The Paketo community has been working on UBI support over the last few years after agreeing on the direction in

Typically suport for new components starts in the paketo-community organization and then is moved to the paketo-buildpacks organization once it matures.

It’s now time to move the ubi-base-stack over to the packet-buildpacks organization. We plan to do the move Monday February 24th.

We are publishing this blog post because this will impact users who have been specifying the stack container images on the command line or in their toml files (we expect this is a small number). If you are using the builders no changes are needed yet, we’ll let you know when they are moved over. For those using the builders, you can continue to follow the instructions in Build applications with Paketo Buildpacks and Red Hat UBI container images.

If you have specified the build or run container images specifically you will need to move from the following container images:

  • paketocommuntiy/build-ubi-base
  • paketocommuntiy/run-ubi-base
  • paketocommunity/run-nodejs-16-ubi-base
  • paketocommunity/run-nodejs-18-ubi-base
  • paketocommunity/run-nodejs-20-ubi-base
  • paketocommunity/run-java-8-ubi-base
  • paketocommunity/run-java-11-ubi-base
  • paketocommunity/run-java-17-ubi-base
  • paketocommunity/run-java-21-ubi-base

over to:

  • paketobuildpacks/build-ubi-base
  • paketobuildpacks/run-ubi-base
  • paketobuildpacks/run-nodejs-16-ubi-base
  • paketobuildpacks/run-nodejs-18-ubi-base
  • paketobuildpacks/run-nodejs-20-ubi-base
  • paketobuildpacks/run-java-8-ubi-base
  • paketobuildpacks/run-java-11-ubi-base
  • paketobuildpacks/run-java-17-ubi-base
  • paketobuildpacks/run-java-21-ubi-base

That’s it. We’ll let you know when the builders move over and until then let us know if you have any questions.